You may remember on 26 September 2022 the Russian Nord Stream was blown up. What you don't know is that the CIA did it.  Think about this: that is why the Germans said nothing about it.

So happy, me! Today i got my new passport!  (not aU.S. passport!)  Happy me!

Some of us have Biden's personal Stock portfolios.  When the time is right we will post them for all to see.  Hang in there!

We feel so sorry for our American friends. They are in the entertainment capital of the World.  Hollywood and your government keep your hearts, ears, eyes, and minds so busy that you cannot know what they do. Hence the word blindsided. One example: your President Joe (mumbling) Biden was the one who got the student loan bill passed.  But now, he's going to rescind it!  BUT, he knows you have forgotten it was his idea.  And, the banking lobbyists paid him million$ to get it passed.