During the Cold War, for instance, 26 of the United States’ covert operations successfully brought a U.S.-backed government to power; the remaining 40 failed.
Success depended in large part on the choice of covert tactics. Not a single U.S.-backed assassination plot during this time actually killed their intended target, although two foreign leaders — South Vietnam’s Ngo Dinh Diem and the Dominican Republic’s Rafael Trujillo — were killed by foreign intermediaries without Washington’s blessing during U.S.-backed coups.
3. Meddling in foreign elections is the most successful covert tactic (as Russia may not be surprised to learn).
I found 16 cases in which Washington sought to influence foreign elections by covertly funding, advising and spreading propaganda for its preferred candidates, often doing so beyond a single election cycle. Of these, the U.S.-backed parties won their elections 75 percent of the time.
Of course, it is impossible to say whether the U.S.-supported candidates would have won their elections without the covert assistance; many were leading in the polls before the U.S. intervention.
The US is said to have been involved in 32 distinct and separate bombing campaigns on 24 different countries between 1945
Countries US went to war with:
China 1950-53 and in 1945-1946 Guatemala 1954 Korea 1950-53 Indonesia 1958 Cuba 1959-60Belgian Congo 1964 Guatemala 1964 Dominican Republic 1965-66 Peru 1965 Laos 1964-73
Vietnam 1961-73 Cambodia 1969-70 Guatemala 1967-69 Lebanon 1982-84 Grenada 1983-84
Libya 1986 El Salvador 1981-92 Nicaragua 1981-90 Iran 1987-88 Libya 1989 Panama 1989-90
Iraq 1991 Kuwait 1991 Somalia 1992-94 Bosnia 1995 Iran 1998 Sudan 1998 Afghanistan 1998
Yugoslavia – Serbia 1999 Afghanistan 2001Libya 2011 Iraq and Syria 2014 Somalia 2011 –Iran 2020 –
Guatemala 1960
The US has a long, documented, history of meddling, starting coups, assassinations, election meddling, etc., etc.
Spring, 2022
Business isreally good!
America is selling more of what it makes best:
Weapons of War
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