Let's have one last 'good' war!
Uncle Calamity Sam loves you!
Your media presents that scenario to you, hoping to create consent for itd actions. It's just about time for some kind of war to come 'home.'
"I need a war so I can sell more weapons. After all, that's all I make! Our American employers dumped you guys and now the Chinese got your jobs. It not the Chinese fault. You can have your job back if you can work for $2.85 an hour
The young people know why it's good. The older folks have just given in to the brainwashing.
Well, until now Calamity Sam has illegally attacked other sovereign nations and coerced his 'allies' to pitch in. Don't forget he lost every one, except invasion of Panama and the little island of Grenada. Now, he's not wanting to lose face again so he's giving many millions of your dollars to Ukraine, hoping they will provoke Russia. Russia is not stupid. But, you americans have been told Russia is going to invade. NOT SO!
All those billions spent on war stuff - just think what it could have done for infrastructure and universal healthcare, etc.
RnICEWIwakIrEMEMCopyright © misha littleCrow.