Today, Sunday, 30 April 2020. I went to my Kroger store, bought a mop (the old fashion kind you have to wring out. The handle doesn't stay on, just keeps falling off! Then I looked - PROUDLY MADE IN THE USA. Now it's in the trash. Next time I will SEEK OUT one made in China, where all good products are made!
Have you forgotten that it was YOUR American companies that closed factories here, laid you off and went to China. So don't blame the Chinese. They just happened to have people who wanted to work. And YOUR BOSSES accommodated them. I actually knew a man in Houston that got laid-off AND was sent to China to TRAIN HIS REPLACEMENT.
Americans, haven't you got the message yet? You have 2 political parties which have morphed into one party. Your government is run by the corporations. Your politicians are now celebrity contestants, making big promises that never materialize. Even you news(?) is controlled. You get what THEY want you to hear. Their advertisers tell them what to say, what not to say, OR THEY WON'T ADVERTISE THERE
Once you know the problem you can, then, act to fix it
Russia got their gov't back in 1917, Romania in 1989, etc, etc.
the sole, express,and intended purpose of this site and all its contents is to inform, educate, its visitors. Much on here is simply a matter of historical record
Everything you say and do is recorded. Even some TVs can spy on you. Google knows where you go and 'steers' you to their advertisers. We don't use Microsoft or Google, we don't do social media, cell phones, etc. Even our e-mail is so well encrypted the NSA (No Such Agency!) can't read it
Don't forget this - you do all the work. The big corporations NEED you . . . and USE YOU. Just like the farmer has to know where his cows are, he controls them. You are about as important to your bosses as the cows are!
RnICEWIwakIrEMEMCopyright © misha littleCrow.