Only in America!

Hey, they're 'talking' about passing a law making murder illegal

The Lord's on our side, right or wrong!

The city of Uvalde, Texas threatens to sue the Justice Dept.!

What a way to go !!!

Even the US states are suing each other

Even its leaders(?) lie to the people, telling them that Democrats are Communists. Don't take it personally, but they rely on a citizenry that is woefully uneducated and misinformed, and have a very short memory!

Type your paragraph here.

Once Great(?) Empire that bullied its allies, sanctioned them for not obeying the U.S., sponsored coups, attacked nations much smaller that couldn't defend themselves, is dying.  It's leaders (who live very well) are fighting among themselves, and do NOTHING to help their citizens.  Many (of us) saw it coming and have other places to go. Sad

hey!  the U.S. is gonna pass a gun law prohibiting the weekly mass shootings and the daily murders - hurray!