The most powerful country in the World is build on Lies

Columbus discovered America? Lie. He went to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands

where is

the Honor


the Pride

in fighting for a country that sends its soldiers into countries that have

never attacted

the United States?

and those soldiers

(the ones that live) come home with body parts missing

and their minds are messed-up forever?

Lie 3.your Pres. Bush (the dumber) lied about 'Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. There were none.

The 911 lie . . . . The attackers were from 4 countries.  15 were from Saudi Arabia!  . . . and your American Pres. Biden sells them Billions of Weapons.  Sad.  Very sad. But wait. yours is the entertainment capitol of the World!

Wait. Lots more. Good luckYou are lied to every day...... that's what the Fast Food networks, the Religious networks, and Hollywood are there for - to distract you. Poor people!

Say WHAT?   facts only!  Click button and learn how Hawaii became part of the U.S..

America loves war. Invades sovereign countries that have never attacted the U.S.

and you wonder why the World is mad

The US gov't told Americans that 2 US ships had been attacked in the Bay of Tonkin. Lie again. Never happened and your Pres. Johnson knew it!