So, believe the lies, if you like. Calling your Congress people won't help. They own most of the stock in the Weapons community.

NOTE: the 'bully' didn't need help with Grenada (they had no defence and were about as big as Manhatten!)

CLICK the buttons and 'watch' what they did in Panama

History shows that war makes a US president look good . . . even when his ratings are way down. Your president Biden has reached that point.  He has failed his people in every way. 

It calls itself a Christian nation. What would their Jesus do? He'd probably talk thing over

\FACTS: while the US was chasing desert rats in Northern Africa the Russians took over Berlin and got Hitler.  TWO, the 'bully' has fabricated stories as an excuse to go to war.  The first one was in 1898. A US ship was in Havana harbour in 1898.  It just blew up. WASN'T ATTACKED!  A malfunction of the internal coal bunkers exploded!  A DAMN GOOD EXCUSE TO GO TO WAR! The same with Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq.  They lost THEM ALL!  Worse off, the 'bully' always gets his friends to fight with him. THAT WILL SOON CHANGE!

The 'ANSWER' - stir people up with more lies! You are told (thru the gov't- controlled media) that Russia is at the border with Ukraine. THAT PART IS CORRECT!  What they don't tell you is the U.S.  is sending military hardware to Ukraine, urging Ukraine to get right up to Russia's border provoking Russia. The 'bully'  is good at this!  BUT you are never told THAT.

It is so simple!  Unfortunately, Americans either have a very short memory, or are lapping-up all the lies their media tells them (or both).


I'm getting out of here soon. Good luck!

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