• Sadly, there is a religion that claims to be the ONLY true one. It relies on poorly educated people who are desperate. This religion promises them riches, claims to cure all diseases, and guaranties that you will go to paradise when you die. It also require 10% of your annual income. REALLY SAD!

                                                                               Just A Story (?)

A beautiful Spring day, couldn't be better. Big white clouds against a blue sky. The birds are everywhere. There's a fox getting drink in the creek. Then, all of a sudden, it happened. The ground started shaking, making a rumbling sound, a strange sound, beneath me. Then the ground literally opened up. I never ran so fast in my life. From the small hilltop I could see it well. Scary to say the least. Not too long ago a bad thunder storm had hit a huge oak tree. The tree fell on a young boy and killed him. It's been going on for thousands of years. But, in my village an old wise man had been talking about a powerful man living in the sky. Nobody had ever seen him but the old man convinced us that there really was a man up there, and that he was mad at what he saw us doing down here. And, the old wise man had an idea: “We should give him something so he will not do these things again.” We collected some food to offer to him. We gave them to the old man, as he asked and he took the 'gifts' away to give them to the man in sky. Maybe it worked. The ground didn't open up – for a while. BUT, it happened again. This time the fire came from above and started a fires everywhere. But, the old wise man said we should offer more precious gifts. Now the old man called the man in the sky the Sky God. So, we started offering things every week. We were happy to. Later we found out that the old wise man was eating all these 'gifts.' And, by now we had made the old man very rich. So we stopped giving! Then, he came up with another idea. He said the sky god told him that if we continued to make offerings (by now the gifts were our money!) we would go to a paradise in the sky and spend eternity with the sky god, and we'd have everything we ever wanted, even while we live! Boy that sounds good. No more sickness, no pain, no hunger. All diseases will be healed. (then why do you still get sick and die?) Now we all know that this is the origin of religion. The old wise man's idea took off and has made the modern-day religious leaders many millions of dollars. Many are not ashamed of their mansions, luxurious sports cars, nice multi-million dollar jets, etc. Even now, they claim to actually have conversations with the sky god, and he tells them what he wants. Some of these new 'wise men'(?) even claim to been transported to the heavens and have visited the sky-god in person, and he tells them what to tell you!
Since way back then, the 'story' has caught on, spread all over the World. They cover the TV networks - selling you 1000s of books explaining why god hasn't helped you yet.  Oh, well.