We respect ALL religions, and everyones' right to believe.  So simple, wonderful!

There is a religion that has made many, many millionairs (just by traveling the World and giving lectures, selling books and DVDs).   "Blessed be the poor"  -  Jesus quote.

Happily, all Buddhist monks, nuns, and priests literally own nothing.  Jesus said blessed are the poor!  Seems like the Buddhists take it literally!   They own nothing!  - no houses, cars, NOTHING!  Maybe they make Jesus happy!!!!!!!!!!

Religions should respect each other.  Sadly there is one that claims to be the ONLY one, and demonizes ALL OTHERS - very sad

We respect all relgions. Religion should be a personal thing.

In Buddhist temples no one is ever asked for money. People give from their hearts. Maybe sometimes a special offering is asked for a disaster, that's all.