As the clouds gathered above lightning bolts came down destroying a huge tree and another hit a little girl, killing her.  The village leader thought "maybe there is a man in the sky, and he doesn't like us". Maybe we should offer him something so he will stop doing things to us. That was the origin of the altar.  The people put offerings on the alter, and surprisingly, the offerings were gone during the night. Now you and I know where they went!  The old wise man had a good thing going!  For a while there were no lightning bolts. But, one day the ground opened and swallowed some cows.  So, the wise man decided the people should give something every month. He had a good thing going!  Fast forward.  That was several, maybe many, thousands of years ago.  Since then we have many gods (Odin, Thor, Xolotl, and hundreds more).  And religion has evolved, some have ceremonies, many still collect monthly offerings.  Nature still has its ways and we still have  lightning and earthquakes.  Now we have some religions rationalizing, making excuses for the imaginary gods. Fast forward. The old wise men are many now, and they live very well, live lavishly. But many of their followers are getting wise and are leaving. But the leaders threaten them with the idea of being tortured forever.  One of these religions also tell their followers that they are born evil.  Oh well, Amen and Amen

The origin of God (-s)

Some religions have no gods. Buddhism is one of them. Buddha was a teacher. On his deathbed he told his followers, he was no god, just a man.  Buddhist priests, nun, and monks are poor. They own nothing, literally. No homes, cars, nothing. What did Jesus say?  "Blessed are the poor . . . "