They probably got the idea of penning people up from farmers keeping their flocks in pens. BUT probably the way the Americans rounded-up aboriginal peoples of the americas and put them on redervations.
FYI: the people who were here for thousands of years were called 'indians' because Columbus (the idiot) thought he discovered India.
When asked if God actually chose the Israelites as his people God laughed a tremendous howl and laughed and said "not me. They call themselves that, ha ha ha!"
Hey, our American friends have a good sense of humour They often laugh at themselves. Theirgovernment laughs at them all the time! Please think, anybody can say that!
Please dump all Israeli stocks. And if a product is made in Israel, please put it back on the shelf!
EAnd they call Columbus the Father of the country! The fool never even got here! He made several trips. The CLOSEST he ever got was the Bahamas. The Vikings have been proven to have been in Newfoundland a 1000 years earlier. The foundations of the houses, along with some tools, etc. prove that
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