Humans are the only animal that can contemplate their demise but they fixed that by creating the idea of a heaven in the sky. To make heaven more believeable they created a god (that looks like us!). And this god was mad at us and was causing earthquakes and throwing lightning bolts at us. So, the wise men of the community took an offering to appease him (or her). Of course the non existant god didn't eat the offering - the old wise man had a good feast! Therefore no more earthquakes, for a while. Well, it happened again. The wise man hadn't eaten for a while so he suggested everyone pay something every month. When religion came to America and met Capitalism it told hold, big time! With millions believing the story (and now fearful of going to hell, and burning forever unless they pay) the wise men of to-day are really happy! They have big jet planes, luxury sports cars, huge million dollar mansions, and tax breaks! Note: control through fear works, pay up or burn in hell. PS: that place is in the imagination dept as well, but it's working, their scared, gullible, and paying.
Ponder this, and be honest with yourself, god is only as big as your imagination is. "Amen, and amen."
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