
We don't use cloud services, and stay away from social media (unless you are smart enough to use a pseudonym). Personally I use none of that stuff, not even a cellphone, and all my computer-stuff is hard-wired (everything). Additionally, you ought to use a VPN, or better a multihop VPN. Every text message,  every email is downloaded by your own NSA (doesn't mean 'No Such Agency!"). While your voice may or not be downloaded, all pertinent data is.

I am fortunate to be a polyglot!

My IP addresses (more than one at a time!) bounce all over the globe.

Since I get no 'so-called News' from U.S. sources I doubt you've even learned this"

The government is much like a farmer!  He tags their ears, maybe puts a collar and bell on their necks. He moves them around to different pastures. They know no better. They think he just likes them! And like them he does. Gotta keep track of them, control them. We know why . . . . gotta get them fat enough to slaughter! Sometimes it is good not to know to much!

Your phone number, e-mail address, Social Security number and home address are among the data points you’re forced to constantly share with an increasing number of people and organizations. It’s only a matter of time before they’re exposed publicly, if they haven’t been already. At this point, it’s imperative to KNOW when that happens.

On June 22, extensive details from the profiles of 700 million LinkedIn users were put up for sale. Data scraping and your ever-growing (and never-shrinking) online dossier/file.

What does a Pastor do with his sheep?  He fleeces them. i.g. he gets 10% of their annual income, and assures the 'flock' they will go to heaven when they die. Meanwhile the pastors live in mansions, openly brag about their wealth, their private jets. Oh, well. They keep telling you that God wants you to have wealth, etc. Obey!  I doubt God needs the money . . .BUT He sure doesn't get any of it. Very sad