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How dumb can a nation get, to think it can pass a law to stop killing? crazy! Personally, I know someone who sells guns on the street, full auto. It's the 'mindset' The bible says "thou shall not kill." America calls itself a Christian nation! All american entertainment is bases on violence, movies, etc. Think about it, even the majority of churches are racist, black churches, white churches, even asian churches. So, pass a law, and it will not change one thing! Sorry. The average IQ is 100. Don't take this personally, but here it's 'maybe' closer to 75. PS: some prisons in America are called penitenciaries. The origin of the word is penance. In other words, the people in those places are doing 'penance.' Man, I bet they are prating like hell just to get out!
God didn't give the land to the jewish people in 1948. The United Nations did. And as if that wasn't enough israelis take more land from Palestinians, burn their homes, poison their water, destroy their crops. They even wall the Palestinians on their land. And america supports that, gives israelis billions of dollars,gives them billions of dollars of high-tech weapons. I am thankful I haven't paid taxes in years (legally).
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