America must have war because it makes very little of anything except weapons of war. And when there are no wars business is bad. The remedy is to either make war or scare people into believing they are being threatened. After WW11 the weapons manufacturers didn't have any war-customers – so they 'invented' a boogy man: RUSSIA. In case you didn't know Russia won the war in Europe, they got Hitler. Meanwhile the Americans were running around deserts in Africa chasing German tanks. Your government loves your forgetfulness, and is happy to keep you 'entertained' with movies portraying Russians (and now, Muslims) as the villains. So, they got this cool idea! > scare the Europeans into thinking that Russia is going to attack them. The result: sell Europe lots of weapons. But since America is desperate, and Europe hasn't been attacked yet it moves its military bases right up to Russia's border to provoke a war The same with China! Since doing that to China, China started building up its military and now has more battleships than the US. Hey, they are brand new, too! If I were China I would simply stop making anything for america! So, my American friends, while the big corporations make huge sums, the CEOs get fatter selling weapons and scaring you – your government (not mine anymore!) could have whittled your national debt, given you better health care, fixed a disastrous infrastructure. And so much more for its citizens. Good luck y'all, bye bye soon

Your government loves to keep you entertained!

There is a reason for that - 'to keep you dumbed-out