I don't know if any of you have ever had a bully in your school or in your neighborhood.  For the most part they are lonely, not too bright, and definitly full of mischief.  As often as not many are not as tough as they want you too think. And sometimes they get outsmarted at their own game.  They can be individuals or they can be a group. In this case let's consider s nation as a bully.  The US produces not much of anything. It has bullied almost every country on the planet. It uses its allies (so-called) to fight its illegal wars. It shipped all its manufacturing to China. That is not China's fault!  Your greedy American bosses 'dumped' their employees and got Chinese labour. Wake-up! It's NOT China's fault. They simply get the work done for less money and in many cases with improved quality.

Only 100 years ago China was just making ends meet by simply growing its own food, and not much more. BUT, the Oriental mindset is so different from the Occidental (look it up!) mindset! They started educating their people (everybody)/ They took the odd jobs and produced the highest quality in EVERYTHING they did. What took America 245 years China accomplished in 100 years. By any standard that is simply admirable!  So, getting around to this day The 'biggest bully on the block is the United States. It alone has enough nuclear firepower to destroy all life on Earth and China (and its friend Russia together) together have that and maybe more. So, the big bully shows off its muscle, sending its warships to encircle Chine, sends its soldiers in Europe closer and closer to Russia's border.  Nobody's attacked the old Uncle Sam. They just want to show their might.  This time their outnumbered.  America has the lagest percentage of its own people in prison for petty crimes, 40 million American children go to bed hungry nightly. Its veterans can't get proper medical care. Half the families don't have enough to fix their care when it breaks down. American Congress people are multi-- millionaires, get six week summer vacation. Actually, those Congress people work only 3 days a week. They get weekends of, sure. BUT of the other 5 day weeks they are raising campaign funds.  My poor American friends! Your Gov't lies to you, more so than ever and look at the debt. Your grandkids will still be paying that off. Me, well within a year, I am out of this place. Good luck, my old friends!

Where I a coming from,  and where I am going