Even Mexico has Universal healthcare
Dear American friends, we feel so sorry you. Your government not only lies to you, keeps you in the dark, and spends 42% of its TOTAL annual budget on WEAPONS. Have you been attacked lately? You already have enough to destroy all life on Earth. And you still have to pay for insurance. Even your veterans that got messed-up fighting illegal wars can't get help without public donations. CLICK box below and see how nearly ALL other countries take care of their people
This is why they keep you 'entertained with movies, etc. they DONT WANT YOU to remember.
I'll try to keep the pages on this site to a minimum but this page will keep it short and always up-to-date!
The World's biggest bully (and biggest loser) sends a warship thru Taiwan Straits. Bullies like to provoke. But, history proves that all bullies die, sometimes painfully!
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