Just like plants and animals evolve so do businesses, etc. Even to-day religions have boards of directors, charge their members ten percent of their annual income.  BUT, along with that 10% comes the promise of life after death, even promises super wealth while you're here, and the promise of perfect health and immunity from all disease.  Many are  .COMS  (the domain name for businesses and sell books and dvds teaching their members how to pray better to receive all the goods.

I'm not a Christian but I respect all religions.  In our religion all sentient beings have souls. Below is how some people use religion to kill animals. VERY SAD.

Poor old Devil - whether he exists or not!  Kinda feel sorry for him!

He gets blamed for your cheating on your spouse, your drinking habits, everything bad.

Now religious people blame him for COVID!   Poor old Devil

Religious advice and 'stuff' !!!.