Humans are probably the only living beings that can contemplate our own demise. For the less-educated Evangelicals, that word means 'death.'
There have been many religions, rituals going back tens of thousands of years. Some religions have ways of controlling their followers. Do a web search! But when religion came to America and hooked-up with Capitalism it really took off! It has made millionairs! It 'requires' members to pay one tenth of their income or they go into a bottomless pit and burn forever. That same religion claimes to be the 'only' true religion! So, just to be safe you better open your wallet!
Think about it. All these earthquakes swallowing people, homes, and those lightning bolts coming out of the sky. There must be a man in the sky that doesn't like what we do. We should offer him something that we value. Hence, the altar.
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