And all these illegal wars! Lost Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Korea. BUT, wait . . . here's one that America actually won!

You see, it's really all about big corporations and your politicians. For them it's just a job. Has NOTHING to do with yourneeds!  The tens of millions of dollars they get in campaign funds from the Weapons Manufacturers keeps them in office. PLUS, in their capacity, your beloved (!) Congress people keep you in fearof being attacked so they need more of your money to keep making weapons.

So much for a 'Christian' leader and the nation


This is very sad and very sick.  American soldiers, sailors, seamen have to rely on donations to get need help when they return.  YET, more of tax money goes to the Weapons Manufacturers.

Sanctions and wars hurt innocent people, not the leaders

So sad, wherever America goes it leaves pain, death, and destruction. And The World is finally waking up. Thw World does not need an old bully

Invaded Grenada,an island as big as Manhatten. Hey, they didn't have a military. Piece of cake!

Gotta face the facts. Your American Capitalist bosses dropped you and sent jobs to China. They care about the dollar - NOT YOU!  You can't get mad at Chinese worker. They make $3.85 an hour. Want your job back? Your beloved America bossed will put you back to work (here) for $2.80 an hour! And you'll get lots of overtime!

Who's next?

Now you've got these lies that Russia is going to invade Ukraine!  Ukraine is on the border with Russia. So there's a face-off. America WANTS an excuse to sell more weapons to Ukraine. Hey, that's all America makes. Your big American car companies don't even make your cars here! All the parts are made in Chinea - BUT, they are assembled here!So, my friends until you, hopefully, wake-up and realize you are constantly lied to you will be no better off