another excuse, another American lie. Kill innocent people to test its weapons!
Many of us have already, and more are now looking for other places to go.
So, no recent attacks, but still making war-stuff. Got to sell it 'cuz we don't make anything else. BUT, we gotta make a market for the stuff. Best way to do that is CREATE A MARKET! Tell our friends in Europe that Russia is gonna attack them. They no longer buy that. for decades Russians and Europeans have been doing agribusiness, buying, selling industrial goods.
Not to mention fighting America's illegal wars. Europeans are waking-up! Plus the US sanctions them for whatever reason.
During WWII, while the Americans were chasing a tank commander around the desert in Africa, Russia got Hitler. PS: Russia lost 27 million people in that war. Note, when German troops headed for Moskow in the winter Russians are so very patriotic that they burned their homes, killed livestock (even their pets) to starve the Germans. I don't think even one American would do that.
Well, the Second World War was a joint effort! The Korean conflict ended in stalemate. BUT, later attacked Vietnam on the false claim 2 destroyers were fired upon. lost that one, too. The French held Vietnam for 119 years, then got chased out. Americans got chased out after 9 and a half. Another loss. Russia got out of Afghanistan because the Americans helped the Taliban. Not out of there yet because of vast mineral deposits, etc. Meanwhile the US goes after mighty countries (!!!!!) like Grenada, Panama, etc. We won those! (hahahah) Well, we haven't been attacked since 9/11 but just spent nearly a trilion for defence! 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were Saudi Arabian - but after the attack, when NO PLANE was allowed to fly Bush (the 'dumber') ordered a plane to fly anywhere in the US to pick up Saudi nationals and ship them home.
I have several good friends in Panama City, Panama and I hope they don't mind this video. It is here simply to show how the U.S. government TESTS its weapons. It shows you how much they care about human life. SAD
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