Also, more importantly, whereas animals don't judge each other on colour, humans always have (despite what their religions and their constitutions say),  Humans actually have devised horrible means of torture!  Even religions have done that!  The early Christians had a way of determining if you were a witch, or even possessed! During the Salem witch trials, they didn't dunk the witches.  They  believed that if you tied a supposed witch up and attached stones before putting them in the water. If they floated, the devil was holding them up and therefore they were a witch. If they sank, they were innocent and probably dead. The Catholic Jesuits had many more ways of torture.  That's where the U.S. military got it's ideas during the Gulf and Iraq wars!

On top of that, humans are, as best we can tell, the only living beings which can ponder our own death, and, being so creative found a way to live forever even after we die. . . HEAVEN!  and the means to get there!  PS: sadly some religions have become very, very profitable by demanding their followers to pay as much as 10percentof their annual income to guarantee that eventuality! GOOD LUCK! 

CALF WITH 6 LEGS (2 attached to neck).

TAbby and Brittany

There is a rapidly growing consensus that humans are probably Nature's biggest mistake!  FYI, humans are also probably the only living beings that can contemplate their own demise, AND, humans knowingly and deliberately destroy their own environment. No other living being does that!