and this is how a government treats its military? They fight, they die, they return from illegal wars (after destroying families there) and they return with parts of their bodies gone. The ones who do survive commit suicide (at the rate of about 22 each day). SICK!!!!!!!!!!

PS: I have found a beautiful new place to live. The weather is nice, the people are friendly, very little crime, (less than in this place), the government is stable and cares for its citizens, the economy is very sound. AND, being a polyglot I will have no trouble communicating. Also note, the Medical Establishment is rated very high.  So, bye bye, Uncle Sam. Just a few months to go!

On this page you will see what America does. and this is just another reason many of us are leaving this

soon-to-be 'once great(?) empire'

Click Boxes below and get 'enlightened.'