FYI: the group that we worked with had Joe Biden's complete personal stockportfolios. You would not believe what we saw!
Old Joe said he would be the new 'green' president! HE MEANT GREEN - DOLLARS, YOUR GREEN DOLLARS
My poor American friends. Sad you are stuck with this mumbling old idiot. Maybe a little polonium 210 and some salt on his morning scrambled eggs would fix him! He will get you into a war. Put him down first! But wait! America loves war!
AGAINST Gay Marriage
In 1996, Senator Joe Biden voted for the Defense of Marriage Act which defined marriage as between a man and a woman. This law also prevented states from recognizing same sex marriages.
FOR Mass Incarceration
Senator Joe Biden authored and voted for the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 which initiated the “3 Strikes and You’re Out” policy which has resulted in many people spending life sentences in jail for minor crimes. He nicknamed it the “Biden Bill.”
AGAINST Abortion Rights
In 1982, Senator Joe Biden initially voted for a constitutional amendment which would have allowed states to overturn Roe v. Wade – the Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion.
AGAINST School Busing
In the 1970’s Joe Biden stated that “I have become convinced that busing is a bankrupt concept.” He actively worked to oppose busing as a way to desegregate schools. Biden even wrote letters seeking the support of people who thought schools should be segregated by race.
FOR Iraq War
Senator Joe Biden, who at the time was chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, voted for the resolution to authorize military involvement in Iraq. The Iraq war resulted in the death of 4,424 US military members and cost taxpayers $2.4 trillion.
FOR Death Penalty & Harsh Drug Sentences
Harsher mandatory minimum sentences for drug use, civil asset forfeiture without a conviction, and imposing death penalty for drug related murders – this is Joe Biden’s legacy. He voted for both the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 and its 1988 counterpart and claimed George H. Bush’s war on drugs was “not tough enough, bold enough, or imaginative enough.”
And, don't forget this > he is the one who sponsored the Student Loan Bill which was binding for life ! Any wonder why the Banking lobbyists finance his campaign!
The Biden Family has a stake in Ukraine. Americans, for your sake, put him down!
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