Poor old Devil

  whether he exists or not!

he gets blamed for everything.

whether you got busted for getting drunk, cheating on your wife . . . .

"the Devil made me do it!

While other religions have ceremonies and worship there is one that has a stage where the leaders prance around like grasshoppers, sometimes scream at their audiences, and lots of repetition and rationalizing, and 'demand' that the people pay-up their 10% dues.  Meanwhile they travel the World in huge private jets, live in multi-million dollar mansions. And they dress sharp , too! 

But wait. Pay your dues, and can have lots of money too, no bills to pay. Buy whatever you need or want.  Many claim you can 'rebuke' sickness!!

American taxpayers give $3.8 MILLION

EACH DAY to israel - 98% of which is spent on MILITARY!!!!!.

But, on american TV networks god's chosen people are begging for food for their old people