Especially when it's your government that lies to you!

Even the fool never came here his legacy of stomping around the world murdering, killing, and destroying civilizations in 'the name of god' lives on. SICK!


Americans are so accustomed to being lied to by their own government. Columbus didn't discover America. Never got here,BUT he took the lives of millions of innocents. I guess that's why your  government loves him.  Wherever America goes it destroys nations, innocent, leaves its ugly footprint, and encourages people to rise against it.


Sometimes even the truth is sad

Thanksgiving day (in this instance) based on a massacre of murdering and burning hundreds alive.  

This is a 'way out' analogy, BUT what your father or mother had done these things to someone - wouldn't you be ashamed too?

I am sorry friends, but all I do is seek the truth, verifiable, documented facts. Sometimes the truth hurts. So be it. But we should all know the truth - which to-day (especially in America) is almost forbidden).  Just like the cases of Julian Assange, or Mumia Abu Jamal, Bradley Manning, etc.