the story of the Sky God!
A beautiful day! So quiet, you could hear the water flowing over there. It had rained the night before and the birds were having breakfast on the wet grass. Just perfect! Then it started. The ground started shaking, over there that old tree fell over. The birds noticed it and were gone in a heartbeat, the ground opened up. It looked like a ditch – then it partially closed up. Strange things have happened before. Sometimes, a bright bolt of fire would come from the sky. Sometimes it knocked trees down, started fires and even killed someone. Maybe there's someone up in the sky doing all this! The old wise man down the road had talked about the 'sky god' many times. He told us that maybe we have done something to make him mad. Now he's telling us that we should offer him something, food, or gold . . . anything to make him happy. So, we put some food aside for him at the old wise mans place. Guess what? The next morning the food was gone! And the ground no longer opened up and the 'fire stick' didn't come down for many days! As time went on those bad things didn't happen so often. Now, a long time later, the wise man told us that the 'sky god' only needed money, and that we should 'pledge' to give him about 10% of our yearly income. Okay. By now, the people were thinking: the bad things still happen and the wise man is living more comfortably. Nice new big house, lots of stuff. When he was questioned he told the sky god has a plan for us and we should just be patient, and have faith in him AND the sky god. You can figure out the rest! Now there are many wise 'god-talkers.' Thanks to you and the fear they have instilled in you they have the best of everything, mansions, luxury cars, even private jet planes, their own television shows. AND they still get a large percentage of your hard-earned money! And the 'story' goes on, and on. They sky god promises you everything (miracle cures, money, etc.,etc.) and after you die, if you OBEY what the God-Talker says you will go to a paradise in the sky, and be with the sky-god. Good luck!
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