"Please dear Lordy, please  tell Mumbling Joe Biden to stop sending weapons to kill innocent people.  Mommy and Daddy told me that maybe we should ask you to bring Hitler back.  Theysaid if we hold hands and ask that you will make our wishes come true.

Marco's Page

 Again, I tell you truly that if two of you on the earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by My Father in heaven.

       . . . .  Jesus quote

" Please, dear Lordy, Mommy and Daddy pay their tithes to the Preacher (well, we ain't got money for medicine)"  Lordy, why does Pastor get all that money and doesn't work.  Have you seen his Lamboughini and his big new house? WOW.  Thanks for the food stamps and meals on wheels, Lordy.  I been a good boy. If Mommy and Daddy don't pay Pastor Jimmy will I go to Hell?