where most of the elected leader aren't bright enough to author a bill - there is an institution  that does that for them ​(it's called ALEC)

​That charges crippling sums of money for education.  ​(most nations have FREE education)

that produces very few basic materials needed for everyday living.  (but, produces all​ of the World's most powerful weapons)

Where 'white supremacy' rules without shame for brutal treatment and murder of its people.  ​(where people of darker skin tones are treated with little or no respect, and many are killed for being darker)

Where large institutions (corporations, banks, etc.) can give millions of dollars to politicians to pass 'bills' (for them in exchange). ​It's legal bribery!)

that has only attacked weaker countries who can't defend themselves ​(Viet Nam, Panama, Grenada, Haiti, Iraq, Afghanistan, and on and on)

that creates fear in it's 'allies' in order to sell them its own products (BOMBS)

​and the list goes on ad infinitum


Your country loves you?  HAHAHA

YOU CAN CHANGE ​ IT without one single vote

Where on Earth do you a find a country

where businesses tell the government what to do.  ​PLEASE CLICKRED BUTTON

​that subsidizes banks, large corporations, even insurance companies as most of those pay no taxes.  ​(on top of thatthey even get millions$)