As you read this - REMEMBER THIS! >>> the Afghan people are hungry, literally starving, have no money for 'life-saving' medicine because your 'god-fearing' beloved(?) U.S. GOV'T  TOOK ALL THEIR MONEY!  just one more reason I am leaving!

In the 9/11 attack in NY NOT ONEAFGHAN was involved in it. MOST were SAUDIS!  And now your U.S. government (not mine!) sells BILION$ of weapons to them so they can bomb Yeman and kill 10 of 1000s of innocents. I am so happy my newly adopted country doesn't destroy innocent lives simply to sell weapons!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poor Americans! They still don't know what their government does - All these crime shows and violent movies are so fun!

Can you believe this?  Now Biden is blaming the Afghan soldiers for not taking control!  BLAMING THEM!  Messed-up again. Wherever America goes it leaves disaster, thousands of innocents killed, families destroyed,  economies shattered.  It doesn't care about the people it used in Afghanistan.  I guess they'll go back to attacking places like Grenada - where there was NO MILITARY and still doesn't have one. 'Oughta  be a piece of cake.

Remember this. No Afghanis were involved in the 9/11 attacks!

When America left Afghanistan it took all the money Afghan had (legitimately  theirs!